ArmorTech® Quin Pro - United Turf Alliance
ArmorTech® Quin Pro shape-products

ArmorTech® Quin Pro

A safe, effective post emergent weed eradication product. Contains Quinclorac.

ArmorTech® QuinPro is your answer to successful post emergent weed eradication. Safe on many common turfgrass species, QuinPro is effective against Crabgrass, Dollarweed, Clover, Dandelion, Speedwell, Foxtail, Violet and more. With a highly-flexible seeding window, product can be applied seven days or greater before seeding and anytime before, during or after sprigging. Foliar and root absorption ensure maximum control. Must be tank mixed with a methylated seed oil for effective control. Compare to Drive®75DF.

Benefits And Uses

  • Compare to: Drive® 75 DF*
  • Highly flexible seeding window can be safely applied 7 days or greater before seeding. Can be applied anytime before, during or after sprigging
  • ArmorTech® QuinPro is safe to use on many common turfgrass species
  • Compatible with a wide range of broadleaf herbicides
  • Low use rates, 1 pound of ArmorTech QuinPro treats up to an acre
  • ArmorTech® QuinPro is foliar and root absorbed insuring maximum control
  • Be tank mixed with a methylated seed oil like Microyl®** for effective control

* Drive 75 DF is a registered product of BASF
** Microyl is a registered product of Precision Laboratories, Inc


6x1 LB case

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